We Won Our First Public Affairs Award!
Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to submit an entry in the first-ever Cleanie Awards. I entered the Public Affairs Campaign of the Year category on behalf of our client the Carbon Capture Coalition. And today I am proud to announce that we won!
I’ve won several industry awards in my career – a PRSA Silver Anvil, several Bulldog Reporter awards, etc. – but this is the first award I’ve won at RENEWPR. I’m thrilled. Awards aren’t necessary, of course, but they are a wonderful validation that what you’re doing is making a positive impact. It’s a huge honor to be recognized by your peers and the judges for this contest are some of the best of the best in the clean energy world. And check out the other winners too - we are in excellent company!
I think there is interesting symmetry in the fact that the inaugural Public Affairs Campaign of the Year award is also the first award the Carbon Capture Coalition has won. Both represent the future and where cleantech and broader energy industry trends are going. Increasingly, “cleantech” is a broad category that encompasses all of the technologies that will help us reach our climate goals.
Carbon capture technologies, which include capture, utilization, storage and removal of carbon, represent an important emerging technological imperative for climate change mitigation. Without them, we’re not going to reach our climate goals – and that’s not my opinion, that’s what the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and International Energy Agency say.
We won the Public Affairs Campaign of the Year award for our collaborative efforts to build and demonstrate support for passage of legislation to reform Section 45Q of the tax code to boost carbon capture and storage. Passage of that legislation in the budget reconciliation bill in February opened the door to broader carbon capture legislation being introduced in Congress this year. And it marked the first climate-related policy to be enacted into law in years. That’s remarkable. And it’s certainly something we’re proud of given our focus on helping clients make an impact on climate, energy efficiency, renewable energy, environmental protection, sustainable development, clean transportation, and natural resources protection.
So thank you. Thank you to the Carbon Capture Coalition for the opportunity to work together and thank you to the Cleanie Awards for recognizing our collaborative efforts. It’s an honor!
Click here to read about the Cleanie Awards.
Click here to read about how the Carbon Capture Coalition is sharing the news (and follow them on Twitter @CCSTechFacts).