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  • Writer's pictureBen Finzel

Are We Living in a Post-Climate World?

With today’s Executive Order rolling back many Obama-era regulations on climate, clean power and environmental protection, the Trump administration is opening a new front in their so-called “war” on President Obama’s climate change policies. We shouldn’t be surprised: candidate Trump said during the campaign this is what he’d do and he’s doing it. But it’s still jarring given how dramatic the changes will be once the Executive Order is fully implemented: with today’s action, the United States is moving from being a global leader to a global laggard.

Given the sound and fury around today’s announcement relating to the future of climate change policy, it’s tempting to ask if we are living in a post-climate world. The answer is, in a word, “no.” US inaction can slow progress on climate change mitigation, but it can’t stop it. Global leaders are moving on without us:

While the Trump administration continues its efforts to dismantle regulations and defund important research and development programs, recent reports demonstrate that a sound energy and environmental policy actually contributes to a sound economy:

The Executive Order signed today is bad news for our environment and our economy. But the way to oppose it is not to politicize it, as the administration is seeking to do, but to put it in context of economic impacts. It’s a mistake because it seeks to harm the very engine of economic growth that is already making America great (and has been for years). Facts are facts and the truth is that American economic competitiveness is driven by American leadership in smart energy and environmental policies that spur development and infrastructure while reducing emissions.

*We worked with BCSE and their partners to roll-out the 2017 Factbook earlier this year.

FDR Memorial in Washington, D.C.

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