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  • Writer's pictureBen Finzel

#ThreeYearsThree Causes

Today marks our third year in business. And what a three years it has been. From the optimistic feelings of 2015 to the hopeful caution of 2016 and the wild disappointment of 2017, the world is a vastly different place today than we ever would have imagined when we started on January 23, 2015. While there are certainly many reasons for hope as we begin 2018, there’s also a lot of concern about world peace, the future of American leadership in the world and the state of our environment and economy.

In past years, we’ve celebrated our anniversary with parties bringing together our clients, colleagues, partners, collaborators and friends. In this uncertain time, bringing people together is certainly a good thing. But so is focusing on those challenges that we are facing and the solutions we can effect when we come together. So this year, we’re bringing people together virtually in celebration of our anniversary by highlighting three leading non-profit organizations focused on important energy, environment and human rights issues that are core to our business and beliefs.

In honor of our third anniversary, we’ve donated $1,000 each to the Alliance to Save Energy, National Parks Conservation Association and OutServe-SLDN. We invite you to join us in supporting their vitally important work by going to our Facebook page – - and clicking on the donation link for the organization(s) you’d like to support. You can tweet your support for this effort by using the #ThreeYearsThreeCauses hashtag on Twitter along with information on the organization(s) you support.

While you’re considering how much to give and to which groups, here’s a bit more on why we selected each organization:

  • Alliance to Save Energy is the nation’s premiere advocacy organization for energy efficiency. The cheapest, cleanest energy is the energy you don’t use so efforts to boost efficiency are a win-win. The Alliance works in partnership with companies, other NGOs, elected officials and government agencies to promote energy efficiency across the economy. When they are successful, we all benefit from cleaner air and water and a more efficient economy. Visit them on the web at

  • National Parks Conservation Association is the nation’s premiere advocacy organization for our national parks. Long billed as “America’s Best Idea,” our national parks provide a link to our past by celebrating our heritage and preserving our precious natural resources for future generations to visit and enjoy. NPCA and its members advocate for funding and other resources for our National Park System and speak out for the vitally important protection and preservation initiatives required to ensure our nation’s natural heritage is available to future generations. Visit them on the web at

  • OutServe-SLDN is the nation’s premiere advocacy organization for LGBTQ servicemembers, veterans and their families. OutServe-SLDN provides legal services, advocacy and other resources to ensure that the nation’s largest employer, our military, does not discriminate in employment, services or benefits. By working to speak out for those who defend our rights around the globe, OutServe-SLDN provides leadership to ensure all Americans can enjoy the rights and benefits that our military works so hard to defend. Visit them on the web at (full disclosure: I serve on the Board of Directors of OutServe-SLDN).

On this, our third anniversary in business, we’re so fortunate to have the opportunity to work with so many smart, committed, respected organizations and individuals on projects and programs that help ensure our nation’s continued growth and success. By putting our money where our mouth is in supporting three other organizations we respect, we’re highlighting our beliefs and underscoring how important we think continued advocacy and engagement is in 2018 and beyond. We’re happy to take this opportunity to give back to just a few of the many leading voices working to ensure a more efficient, beautiful and just world for all of us.

Three Years, Three Causes Beneficiary Organizations

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